Marco Mezquida Piano player
Bio Português
Residente na cidade do Porto, Nuno Campos é um Contrabaixista/Compositor que ja tocou com muitos locais de Barcelona/Espanha, tais como Marco Mezquida, Ramon Prats, Ernesto Aurignac, Jon Robles, Gonzalo del Val, Santi Colomer entre outros no período de 8 anos que residiu lá.
Enquanto residiu em Bcn ganhou o primeiro prémio do Concurso de Jazz de Barcelona em 2011 e gravou o seu primeiro álbum Nuno Campos Trio “My Debut for the ones close to me” pela prestigiada editora internacional Fresh Sound New Talent.
Actualmente no Porto el compôs e gravou dois álbuns com o seu quarteto: “TaCatarinaTen” e “Something to believe in” para o Carimbo Porta-Jazz. Já gravou muitos outros discos com outros artistas como: Brian Blaker, Rafael Lechowsky, Matteo Sacilotto, Ele Cremats, Mariana Vergueiro, Ricardo Barriga, Paulo Gomes trio, Alex Frayle e outros mais.
Estudou em Barcelona na ESMUC e graduou-se em Contrabaixo Jazz e Clássico e estudou também em HAIA após ganhar um bolsa de estudos de um ano em performance. Recentemente concluiu Mestrado em contrabaixo clássico assim como frequentou 3 anos de licenciatura em Composição.
Actualmente toca com o seu próprio grupo e outros projectos maioritariamente de músicos do seu País. É docente no Conservatório de Música do Porto e na AMVP.
Bio English
Based in Oport, Nuno Campos is a Double bass player/composer who has performed with many of the local musicians from Barcelona such as Marco Mezquida, Ramon Prats, Ernesto Aurignac, Jon Robles, Gonzalo Del Val among others while living there for 8 years.
While in Bcn he won the 1st prize of the Barcelona Jazz Contest and recorded in 2011 his Debut album Nuno Campos Trio “My Debut for the ones close to me” by Fresh Sound New Talent Records.
Currently in Oporto he has composed and recorded two other albums with is new quartet: “TaCatarinaTen” and “Something to believe in” for the Carimbo Porta-Jazz Label. He has also recorded with other artists such as Brian Blaker, Mariana Vergueiro, Matteo Sacilotto, Els Cremats, Nook, Paulo Gomes trio, Ricardo Barriga, Rafael Lechowsky, Alex Frayle and many others.
He has studied in Barcelona University “ESMUC” and has a degree in Jazz double Studies and a Master Degree in Classical double bass has well has 3 years studying composition in this Hometown Porto, although didn’t finish this last degree.
He currently plays with is Town group has well as with other musicians in Portugal and teaches Jazz/Classical Double bass and electric bass in Porto Conservatorium and AMVP.
awards and accolades
Winner of the Barcelona Jazz Contest
Catalonian scholarship for Arts Studies abroad
Nuno Campos 4tet Português
Nuno Campos 4tet apresenta-nos o segundo álbum: Something to believe in. Inspirado em concertos da banda no Egypto com o disco anterior, o líder compôs várias peças musicais inspiradas na mitologia egípcia com um forte carácter melódico passando pelo jazz, música improvisada e música contemporânea influenciada por Bartok ou Messiaen. O grupo é formado por Miguel Meirinhos no Piano; José Pedro Coelho no Saxofone Tenor e Ricardo Coelho na Bateria.
Nuno Campos 4tet English
Nuno Campos 4tet presents us their second album: Something to believe in. Inspired by concerts of the Band in Egypt, the lider here composed several songs about Egyptian Mythology with strong melodic character with the likes of Jazz, improvisei music, and contemporary music and composer such as Bàrtok or Messiaen to mention a couple. The Band is formed by Miguel Meirinhos on Piano; José Pedro Coelho on Tenor Saxophone e Ricardo Coelho on Drums.
LIVE video
(The backline solicited will only be necessary when agreed in the contract. Otherwise we have our own instruments, amps and musical stands and even electric piano when its decided that way.)
- Microphones and musical stands
- 1MIC saxophone
- One Mic for Double Bass and DI. One Double bass and a German Bass Bow
- One powered monitor and/or double bass amp.
- Acoustic Piano in 440hz tunning and mics for its captation
- Jazz drum Kit (Kick, Snare, rack tom, floor tom). Hardware; High hat stand, Snare drum stand, Kick pedal, three cymbal stands, drum stool.
- Mics for drums captation
- Independent Monitores for each musician. (mixes independentes)
- Four musical Stands
